Chicken semi-moist food for dogs
This oven baked recipe is made with natural ingredients and supplemented with vitamins and minerals for better bioavailability of nutrients. Made with fresh deboned chicken as the first ingredient. It contains natural antioxidants (Vitamin E, rosemary extract), natural sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for healthy skin and coat and supplemented with natural sources of glucosamine (650mg / kg) and chondroitin (550 mg / kg). It is the coconut glycerin (glycerol) that is inside the kibbles, which allows us to prevent them from drying out and maintains that initial consistency. It also gives the kibble a tender and mellow texture. With a high level of humidity, the aromas and flavors are multiplied and this makes this recipe an irresistible dish even to the most picky dogs.
- SKU1036527
- Weight2.270 KG
- Packaging Height24.300 CM
- Packaging Width42.000 CM
- Packaging Length10.800 CM
- Manufacturing CountryCanada